The Rio Grande River located in Port Antonio, Portland and is created by the exuberant pristine rainfalls rushing down from the Blue Mountains. Rio Grande also known as Big River was first known in Jamaica for river rafting. The initial use in the beginning was the transportation of produce from the back land banana plantations to the harbour in Port Antonio, that was before it became so popular for tourists to participate in river rafting, the famous Hollywood star Errol Flynn would entertain his guest by inviting them to rafting challenges under the moonlight along the Rio Grande for fun. Today it is an established attraction for tourists and Jamaican's alike.
The slow trip down the river which can accommodate two passengers per raft is piloted downstream by a licensed and skilled captain. You travel down the long river valley which is filled with bamboo and banana groves. About half way down there are several vendors on the coast that sell a range of drinks and beverages and if youre hungry you can request a stop at Belinda's Riverside Canteen and sample their wonderful cooking. The trip is quite relaxing and breathe taking with some of Jamaica's most natural and beautiful scenes from the lush tree and forest green setting not to mention the banana groves that can be seen throughout.
It's about a 2-3 hours tour through the river depending on a couple of factors: which includes the entry point which either starts at Grants Level or Berrydale. The speed of the river and the strength of the boatman. If you had driven you would have the choice of leaving your car securely at Rafters Rest and upon that you then take a taxi to either of the entry point, or you could drive up to the entry point of your choice and have a member of staff take your car back to Rafters Rest awaiting you.
Taking a tour down the Rio Grande will be unforgettable, soothing and relaxing for family, friends, romantic occasions between couples and just about everyone in general. View our Rio Grande photo album |
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