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Holiday guide to Honduras

Honduras holidays
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A scarlet Macaw in Honduras
Honduras has many great resorts along its coastline with the Roatan island area the most popular with its sandy beaches and warm shallow waters protected by a 1000km reef offering fantastic scuba diving. Our top 4 picks for luxury from the dozens of resorts in Honduras are shown below. Click any image to explore.
Clarion Resort - Copanti Resort - Paradise Resort - Plaza Juan Resort
Clarion Resort Honduras Copanti Resort Honduras Paradise Resort Honduras Plaza Juan Resort Honduras

Honduras Guide.

The Republic of Honduras is a Central American country and an area of approx 112,090 square kilometres. Its two coasts face the Caribbean Sea on one side and the Pacific Ocean on the other. There are around 6.7 million people living in Honduras, all of which are mainly of Mestizo descent and predominantly of a Roman Catholic religion. The inhabitants speak Carib and Spanish and when it comes to making money, coffee, sugar cane, bananas, tobacco and forestry are their main profit makers, trading mainly with the EU, Japan and the USA.

A population of nearly 9 million where half are in poverty gives rise to a fair amount of gang crime. So not a country to wander down alleys or quite side streets especially after dark. Due to the rate of violence and crime, Honduras is often overlooked as a holiday destination, but having stayed there in reality its no more dangerous than say Jamaica. There are some great resort hotels where luxury and service come first and the locals are full of Caribbean friendliness.

The area of Honduras is still pretty much unknown to tourists, with the people here more in touch with their extensive network of reserves and national parks to ensure the protection of their irreplaceable natural resources. Nearly 25% of Honduran province is sheltered, but help financially is lacking and the continuation of protecting their land looks pretty slim. However, the far out areas of the parks, located in the middle of some of the most exceptional tropical forests and cloud forests in Central America, still contain a stunning assortment of flora and fauna. Water sports are to be found on the Bay and Hog Islands, where diving, snorkeling and swimming are very popular, with the best beaches being around Trujillo and Tela. Hiking is also big on the list, with one favourite being at the Parque Nacional Celaque, an area supplying unexplored reserve, a flourishing cloud forest, headwaters of 10 rivers, a cascading waterfall and the country's highest summit. Mountain climbing is also very popular at the park and its vertical cliffs provide challenging climbing for the more expert mountaineer.

There are a few ways to get around Honduras, one being by plane, with flights from Tegucigalpa, San Pedro Sula and La Ceiba to any of the Bay Islands. Another option is traveling by bus or taxi, with both running frequently from most of the towns, but visitors going by taxi need to sort out a price before setting off, as the taxis are not metered. Boats are also a good way to get about and will take folk from the Bay Islands right along the Caribbean coast. Lastly, car rental, even though a bit costly, is a good way to get around, with the main roads being very well maintained. To actually get into Honduras, visitors will find direct flights in Central America and North America, with all other countries having to connect at the above two locations. The area is warm all year round, with events occurring during May and June, including the weeklong carnival at La Ceiba, towards the end of May.

Economy of Honduras:
Honduras is a small Central American nation that is located in the Caribbean Sea. It is bordered by Guatemala, El Salvador, and Nicaragua. The country is home to a population of over 9 million people. Despite its small size, Honduras has a diverse and vibrant economy.

The economy of Honduras is primarily based on the production of agricultural goods, manufacturing, and services. Agriculture accounts for about 20% of the country’s GDP, with products such as coffee, bananas, and sugarcane being the primary exports. Manufacturing and services also make up a significant portion of the economy, with the former accounting for about 15% of the country’s GDP.

Honduras is also home to a number of natural resources, such as oil, gold, silver, and iron ore. These resources are largely untapped, although they have the potential to provide a great boost to the economy.

The Honduran government has taken steps in recent years to promote economic growth and development. This includes reducing regulations on businesses, implementing tax reforms, and encouraging foreign investment.

Honduras also has a large tourism industry. The country is home to beautiful beaches, lush rainforests, and ancient Mayan ruins. This has attracted tourists from all over the world, which has helped to boost the economy.

In spite of these efforts, the Honduran economy still faces many challenges. Poverty and inequality remain widespread, and the country is still struggling to recover from the damage caused by Hurricane Mitch in 1998. Nonetheless, with continued effort, the country is poised for growth in the future.

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